
The Official Site of The Storycrafter


Welcome to the ONLY Steampunk comedy adventure actual-play podcast set in the Heart of Bronze universe created by Michael J Rigg, and based upon the worlds created in the novels

(And, no, you don't need to read the books to enjoy the show!)

Each show takes you on a rollicking Steampunk adventure filled with
mystery, monsters, and steam-powered machines! Follow along as our party of role-playing adventurers finds themselves in one adventure after another where their decisions,
and the luck of the dice, determine what happens next!

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Season 4 Is LIVE!


Season 4 Is LIVE! 〰️

If the player doesn’t immediately begin playing the episode, you’re early ;) Media is uploaded early, but does not release until the next coming Thursday at 5:00 a.m. CST (-6GMT). If you’re still having difficulty after launch time, please try a different browser, or contact me ( here ).

An actual-play steampunk adventure comedy set in the Heart of Bronze universe.



Host....................Michael J. Rigg
Co-Host....................RBY2187 ("Robbie")
Librarian…………..NSA7110 (“Nissa”)
HCR Director…….MRG9000/MRG9X (“Margie”)
Security……………………BRS1138 (“Boris”)
Janitorial Staff.................BNE941 ("Ben")

(All automatons played by Michael J. Rigg)

Judy Gehrels (Season 1)
Melanie Rigg (Season 2)
Graham Rowat (Season 3 - Imperial)
Georgia P. McKenzie (Season 3 - Confederate)
MRG9X (Season 4)

(Order of Appearance)

Martin Barnett....................Ray Volk
Cecil / Col. Charles Humphrey....................George Pecenica
Agent Jameson Mayfield....................Derek Young

(Order of Appearance)

Nigel Osbert Wintermann....................Rupert Faullhurst
Constance "Connie Ross" Stephens....................Jenn Avril
Oliver Glass.............……………….......Dave Murtagh
Percy "Spade" Alexander....................George Pecenica
Silas Monroe.............………….....Ray Volk
Cpl. Eugene "Sonny" Geffort....................Derek Young

(Order of Appearance)

Agent Jessie Parker....................Melanie Rigg
Agent Arthur Kingsley....................Jeremy Nicholson

(Order of Appearance)

Gregory Pavlovic Brewko....................by Chris Durbak
Emmet Braxton / Emma Garnet....................by Krista Courtney
Nicholas "Sparks" Barrington....................by Rob Day
Mackiavelli Savino....................by Jared Smith
Dudley Scarsboro....................by Rob Day

(In No Particular Order, By Faction)

Aurora “Apate” Clayfield……………….Susan White

Jacob Francis Kelley……………………Dan Campbell
Omura “Kevin” Kei…………………Chris Durbak
Bradford Jackson…………………….Dave Murtagh
Randall “Slink” Doe……………………..Rupert Faullhurst
Amelia Mayfield……………………Jenn Avril

Aurora Clayfield…………………Susan White
Henry Thatcher………………………Jeremy Nicholson
Leroy Jefferson…………………….George Pecenica
Roy “Stick” Wilson……………………..Ray Volk
Jameson Mayfield……………………………Derek Young

A Republic of Texas Spy! ……………………..One of those listed above

“Dr. Friendly” ……………………………….Sholom West

(Order of Appearance)

Seer Ezekiel Stone....................by Dave Murtagh
ZTR1988 (“Zoltar”)…………………..by Dave Murtagh
Lord Carl………………by Tracy Dickens
Eleanor Isabelle Azalea……………by Brad Mac
Shosuro Ajo…………………by Shosuro Ajo

(In No Particular Order)

Martin Barnett……………..by Ray Volk
Holly the Faerie Witch……………….by Robin Howell
Percy Alexander………………...by George Pecencia
Nigel Osbert Wintermann……..by Rupert Faullhurst
Oliver Glass…………….by Dave Murtagh
Constance Stephens………..by Jenn Avril
Jasper Remington…………by Blake Azur

(Order of Appearance)

(TBA)…………………by Michael West



Jackmonkey Games....................www.jackmonkeygames.com


Jackmonkey Games....................www.jackmonkeygames.com


Jackmonkey Games....................www.jackmonkeygames.com


Jackmonkey Games....................www.jackmonkeygames.com



Michael J. Rigg

George T. Pecenica

Sholom West
Michael West


Michael J. Rigg


Michael J. "Mike" Rigg


Rupert Bathurst


Jeff Fogg of Astral Fogg
NSA7110 (SRAP Music Librarian)
All Incompetech Music by Kevin McCleod
(Provided under Creative Commons 3.0/4.0 Licensing)


Astral Fogg
RST Musek

Individual music credited in our show notes.


"Doomsday" by Dominik Hauser
License purchased for use with this show




Michael J. Rigg


Jenn Avril
Jack Conrick
Michael J. Rigg


Michael J. Rigg's  "The Heart of Bronze Adventure beta 4.0"

RiggStories Novels

Clockwork Looking Glass (Book 1)
by Michael J. Rigg
Available at Amazon in Kindle or Paperback

Clockwork Pandora (Book 2)
by Michael J. Rigg
Available at Amazon in Kindle or Paperback


Contact Page........……………..........(Click Here)


Become a patron

The Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast
by Michael J. Rigg
RiggStories Transmedia

Intellectual Property Copyright (C) 2015-2023, Michael J. Rigg
RiggStories Transmedia Productions
Show birthday: March 29, 2016




You can still find our ENTIRE FIRST SEASON right here on riggstories.com. Just scroll down and choose the episode(s) you want to listen to. Or, if you want to listen to something more recent, or access our archive over at libsyn, check out the first post on this page (you can use the MENU to access other episodes, share episodes, and more.

You can also check us out at our new home. You should be able to stream or download episodes easily at www.steamrollersadventurepodcast.libsyn.com If you're having any issues, please let us know!

Thank you for continuing to be part of the SRAP Family!
Michael J. Rigg
Author, Storycrafter, and CEO of SkyTrain Publishing
(Yeah, I'm kinda big dill)

Ep. 52 Chapt. 39 "DeLeon in Winter"

This week, our trio of intrepid adventurers face off against the power of the Imperial Military Machine (and Martin Barnett's would-be girlfriend). They also discover some rather crafty bounty hunters are on their trail. Can they reach Atlanta before they're all killed?

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

Ep. 51 Chapt. 38 "Encounter at Canner Bluffs"

Our Valentine to you, dear listener, is a longer adventure episode. In this first chapter with all the party members together, we learn of their plans to mobilize the Loyal Glass rebel movement. But first, they have to get out of Venture Pass, and in the small woodland village of Canner Bluffs, they get more than they bargained for.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

Ep. 50 Chapt. 37 "The Party"

Our adventure continues with the consequences of Colonel Charles Humphrey, dying of "Chicago Consumption" before the eyes of a pair of Clockwork Carpenters. Meanwhile, Jameson Mayfield launches an investigation into the shady dealings in Venture Pass, MO, and Martin Barnett, dressed as a Confederate soldier, wanders into town seeking food and shelter.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss


Ep. 49 Chapt. 36 Lore. 01 "Roose"

Seven years before Martin Barnett was gunned down in front of an abandoned diner in Wayward, Iowa, Glass & Christian operated a successful underground laboratory...three stories below that very diner. In this special dramatic "lorepisode," we meet the young witches who were bred there, and the young technician who would save them.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

Ep. 48 Chapt. 35 "There Twice Was a Man From Nantucket"

It seems Abel Keye, the Rusty Knight of Chicago and "disharmonied" Clockwork Carpenter, is ready to strike a deal with Colonel Charles Humphrey. Will the proposed trade succeed, and if it does, what then? Meanwhile, Martin Barnett comes under fire as a patrol of Confederation Scouts closes in on his position.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

Ep. 47 Chapt. 34 "Man in the Iron Lung"

The adventure resumes as Martin Barnett attempts to find his bearings and leave what has become the haunted forest north of Venture Pass. Meanwhile, Jameson Mayfield wakes to find a stranger standing in his room, though he has been given a modest new set of clothes.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss


It's our filler for the New Year's break! Yay! But we're still giving you some SRAPies. Mike proudly presents part 2 of the flashback to October, 2015 and an un-aired episode that show how it all began. In this episode, you'll found out how George and Ray presented Cecil and Martin, and then we have a one-on-one with Derek in the creation of Jameson Mayfield!

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss


Since we really didn't take a break during the holidays, we're going to take one going into the new year. Not to leave you SRAPless, however, Mike proudly presents a special two part episode that flashes back to October, 2015 and an un-aired pair of episodes that show how it all began. In this episode, you'll found out how George and Ray dreamed up Cecil and Martin, and you'll learn something about Heart of Bronze lore, and character creation!

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

Ep. 44 Chapt. 33 "Lost Harmony"

In this episode, Jameson Mayfield seems quite at home in the quaint Confederation town of Venture Pass, MO. Befriending the locals in his mild mannered guise of the Reverend David Clawson, he now prepares to continue the mission he and Adrienne set out on, alone. Meanwhile, Colonel Charles Humphrey comes face to face with Abel Keye in the man's deep, dark, underground lair.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

Ep. 43 The Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast Holiday Special 2016

Merry/Happy Hanakwanzaramadanzachristafestivus! Please enjoy our 2016 Holiday Special, otherwise known as a "love letter to our fans." Much love and thanks goes to: George, Ray, Derek, Jenn, Rupert, Dave, Melanie, and Jeff. Special thanks also goes to Parker Moose, @D20FutureShow and @EmpireSteele on Twitter, and to Astral Fogg on SoundCloud. And, if I missed saying thank you to you...thank you! Oh, and Merry Christmas! Get your free copy of the novel that started it all here (FREE until Christmas Eve): https://www.amazon.com/Clockwork-Looking-Glass-Heart-Bronze-ebook/dp/B00HG4OJ3M/ref=sr_1_1_twi_kin_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482242856&sr=8-1&keywords=clockwork+looking+glass

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

...The Highwayman is Jolly...for now...

Ep. 42 Chapt. 32 "Birth of the Glass Witch"

As Jameson Mayfield makes his way into the tiny Confederation town of Venture Pass, MO, Martin Barnett struggles to survive the crash landing of the Devil's Due. Colonel Charles Humphrey, meanwhile, arrives in Chicago, and begins his search for the elusive Abel Keye.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

...The Highwayman is Jolly...for now...

Ep. 41 Chapt. 31 "Airship Down"

The Devil's Due is going down in flames! Martin, Kera, Stain, and Jameson scramble to find parachutes, rations, and some way to escape the inevitable explosive crash through the Tesla Net while Sasha Zorma channels her magical powers toward resurrecting Sumeshi. Meanwhile, Colonel Humphrey makes a plan to locate one of the Loyal Glass rebels, Abel Keye, in the gritty, grime-encrusted smoggy city of Chicago.

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Ep. 40 Chapt. 30 "A Church in Onastee"

Martin lives! The Devil's Due has returned him to the ship, and now he and Jameson must regain control before Captain Sasha Zorma goes crazy over the loss of her friend and first mate, Sumeshi Sosumi. Meanwhile, Colonel Humphrey arrives at the hidden listening post fort in Michigan where he learns what Molly Rose is up to as well as some secrets about the other Loyal Glass rebels.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

...the highwayman is filled with hate...

Ep. 39 Chapt. 29 "Dead Reckoning"

We begin high in the air over the southern edge of the Imperial United States following Martin's rapid descent toward the Tesla Net and sure death. Then we accompany Colonel Humphrey, now operating under his own free will, as he heads to Chicago and a secret military listening post.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

...the highwayman listens...

Ep. 38 "Spotted Dick"

In this episode: Assaulting Gummy Bears; Spelling "Come" with 3 Letters; SRAP Season 2 Teaser; Weed & Shrooms in Britain; Skim Milk; Trump & Bus Buddies; Salty Tea; "Locker Room Talk"; Spotted Dick and Cream Pies; Dr. Who; Tears for Martin; The Wet Bit in London; Bicycling; Making GM Great Again; Monty Python; Sir Rupert Bathurst; Derek Can't Grow Facial Hair; The Sex Talk; Sandbox Video Games; Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars & Zoe; Jammie Dodgers... and more.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

...the highwayman is listening...

Fig. 3801 Jammie Dodgers! Thanks to Rupert, a very much UNOFFICIAL sponsor of today's episode, and this photo is proof they exist.

Fig. 3801 Jammie Dodgers! Thanks to Rupert, a very much UNOFFICIAL sponsor of today's episode, and this photo is proof they exist.

Ep. 37 Chapt. 28 "Stodder and the Chip"

Martin Barnett has brought Kera Wade back from the brink of death only to face down the short shiny barrel of a Derringer. What he doesn't know is that his good friend Charlie Stodder has shape-shifted into a monstrous garghoul! As the ship is buffeted by the explosions and gunfire of the pursuing Imperial Sky Fleet, he faces some harrowing decisions. Meanwhile, Charles Humphrey submits to chip removal surgery, but will it go well in the hands of a dastardly veterinarian?

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

Ep. 35 Chapt. 26 "Terminal Poultice"

We are coming to a turning point in our 'battle in the sky' sequence. In this episode, Jameson gains control of the sky, only to be confronted by a sabre-wielding pirate! Meanwhile, Ray struggles through rolling a series of critical fails before his character, Martin Barnett, attempts to offer Kera Wade a cure. The question is, will the cure be accepted, or will he end up facing the barrel of a gun? Music in this episode courtesy of Battlebards.com.

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss

...the highwayman watches...

Fig. 3501: The room where Martin ends up. Note the location of Kera's Bible in the top right.

Fig. 3501: The room where Martin ends up. Note the location of Kera's Bible in the top right.

Ep. 34 Chapt. 25 "The Doctor in the Woods"

Poor Martin Barnett... One arm, loose pants, and trying to mix a potion or poultice that will revive Kera Wade. As Jameson Mayfield does battle against the Imperial forces above deck, Martin struggles to save one of their pirate captors. Meanwhile, Charles Humphrey stumbles upon someone who might be able to get the control chip out of his head... a veterinarian.

Some music featured in today's episode courtesy of BATTLEBARDS.COM!

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RSS Feed Link: http://michael-rigg.squarespace.com/the-podcast/?format=rss