Ep. 38 "Spotted Dick"
In this episode: Assaulting Gummy Bears; Spelling "Come" with 3 Letters; SRAP Season 2 Teaser; Weed & Shrooms in Britain; Skim Milk; Trump & Bus Buddies; Salty Tea; "Locker Room Talk"; Spotted Dick and Cream Pies; Dr. Who; Tears for Martin; The Wet Bit in London; Bicycling; Making GM Great Again; Monty Python; Sir Rupert Bathurst; Derek Can't Grow Facial Hair; The Sex Talk; Sandbox Video Games; Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars & Zoe; Jammie Dodgers... and more.
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...the highwayman is listening...
Fig. 3801 Jammie Dodgers! Thanks to Rupert, a very much UNOFFICIAL sponsor of today's episode, and this photo is proof they exist.